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Assalamu’alaikum. My dear sister, how are you today? I hope there’s nothing wrong with you.
I'm really happy because Allah still gives His great mercy to us so we can do our activity well, all praises be to Alloh ^^.

Peace and salutation always be given to our prophet who become torch in the darkness and become good example for every Moslem, He is Muhammad SAW.

Until now, I have a question about myself. Have I become a good moslemah? Yups, maybe it’s very difficult question for me but I always try to look for the answer by reading many kind of book that related with my question. Fortunately I found good article and book that explain about “How to be a good Moslemah”.

My Dear sister, All of Islamic women really want to be a good Moslemah. So how we could be a good moslemah? Ok, let see! From the book that I've read, one of the ways to be a good moslemah is keep our Hijab . Hijab means moslemah’s dress that covers a whole of body except face and hand. Usually we called “Veil”.

Alloh has given instruction to all of moslemah to wear the Veil since long time, it can be seen in God’s reveal in the Al-Qur’an , An-Nur verse 31 mention that:
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private part and do not to show off their adornment except that which is apparent and to draw their veil all over (juyubihinna)….”
This verse clearly indicates that Allah has made Hijab an expression of chastity and modesty. The virtue of wearing Hijab explained in this verse is that Muslim woman will be identified as respectable woman when she wears Hijab.

Also, we read in Surah Al-Ahzaab, verse.59
"O Prophet, Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their outer garments about themselves (when they go out). That is better so that they may be recognised and not molested. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

Many people ask a question why Muslim women cover up themselves in Hijab or Veil. here comes the answer that helps us understand the importance of Hijab and Here comes the simplest way of demonstrating the importance of it..
Could it be anyway better than this?

It means, Hijab is a way to protect your modesty, your family's honor and liberty, it's a security to your simplicity and a protection against the evils of the society. How does it make sense that you're imprisoned because of Hijab? Is Hijab stopping you from walking or eating? Is Hijab stopping you from having water? Is Hijab cutting you away from the world? No! Rather, it's cutting all the filth and evil away from you!

Aha!! I get the point now^_^, if You or I want to be a good moslemah one of the ways is we have to wear Veil.

Believe Me sister You look more beautiful with your veil. If people ask to you why you wear the Veil.
Proudly say to them..
because Hijab is my choice no compulsion!

Hijab is my Crown

because hijab is my personality

because hijab is my life

Keep Calm and Keep Hijab.
Proud Be a moslemah ^____^
Niar's Story


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